An AI chip could be the solution for the social platform giant in solving many of its problems. The AI could help Facebook moderate and check its contents so that no abusive or harmful/wrong content is posted on the platform. If there is something posted then the AI will remove it from Facebook. The program could also be used in home devices launched by Facebook. Introduction of AI to Facebook might solve the company’s problems or maybe create some as Facebook has been in the news every now and then due to one thing or another.

Back in 2015, Facebook launched a text-based digital assistant named M. M was not an AI but it was powered by Artificial Intelligence and Facebook’s contracted employees. Eventually FB decided to get rid of M and so they stopped working on it. But, now partnering with Intel might be their way of getting serious in the development of their own version of AI assistant. Facebook’s take on AI might be a good step in the Artificial Intelligence direction and we might get a smarter assistant who would be able to help us with our day-to-day tasks. However, there is also a possibility that Facebook might use this tech to spy on its users in a more ‘legal’ way. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Facebook to develop its own version of AI Virtual Assistant  which will be smarter than Siri - 18Facebook to develop its own version of AI Virtual Assistant  which will be smarter than Siri - 18