Last year, in January 2018, a similar security breach on the OnePlus website exposed the credit card details of almost 40,000 customers. This time, OnePlus did not give any figures, instead said that certain accounts were exposed. The company gave a statement saying that the intruder was prevented from accessing all of the data and that security of the data was increased. The company has said that they are working with authorities to figure out the breach. The company informed affected users that they may receive spam emails. This information was given only to users whose information was affected by the breach. The company promised to work on security measures of the online store and website. They propose to do this by a bug bounty program starting at the end of December. They also promised that the current website has been thoroughly inspected to ensure security breaches do not occur again. Ziv, from the Security team of OnePlus made a statement on the OnePlus forum. “We want to update you that we have discovered that some of our users’ order information was accessed by an unauthorized party. We can confirm that all payment information, passwords and accounts are safe, but certain users’ name, contact number, email and shipping address may have been exposed. Impacted users may receive spam and phishing emails as a result of this incident. We took immediate steps to stop the intruder and reinforce security. Before making this public, we informed our impacted users by email. Right now, we are working with the relevant authorities to further investigate this incident. We are deeply sorry about this, and are committed to doing everything in our power to prevent further such incidents.” We hope OnePlus learns from this and enforces stronger protective measures to safeguard customer data and privacy, as this is not the first time it is happening on its website. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Customer data breached yet again on OnePlus s website - 54Customer data breached yet again on OnePlus s website - 61