The New Animated Emoji of Telegram can help the users be brave and urge their friends to stay safe and healthy. Most of the sticker packs now also have something to say about the COVID-19 outbreak, reveals the official blog post by Telegram. In order to ensure that everyone‘s chat lists can handle the increased load and users do not miss on important messages, Telegram has come up with Chat Folders. So if you have too many chats, you can now separate fun from work, or family stuff from school stuff – then swipe between the tabs to quickly access any of your chats. Mind you! Chat Folders can be accessed in the interface once your chat list gets long enough. Alternatively, you may use this link in your app to enable Chat Folders. Chat Folders work best to make some of your Telegram chats more visible. If you’re looking to hide some of your chats from view, try archiving them instead. All you need to do is swipe left on a chat to transfer it to your archived chats folder. When an archived chat gets a notification, it will pop out of the folder and back into your chat list. Muted chats will stay archived forever. You can hide the archive by swiping left on it. See it again by dragging the screen down. If you are an Android users and you are already using Folders, swiping will not work for archiving chats in Telegram. All you need to do is press on a chat to open the bulk actions menu and select multiple chats. Then, pin, mute, archive or delete them all at once. Besides this, another feature of Unlimited Pins allows Telegram users to pin as many chats as you like in each of your folders. Moreover, Like everything on Telegram (other than for Secret Chats), your Chat Folders can sync to all your other connected apps that even consists of Desktop Apps. Telegram has also added a folder sidebar to make your folders more recognisable. As per Telegram’s official blog post, “Our designers added some fancy wavy animations below your finger when you’re recording a voice or video message.” This means that you know you can slide your finger up in order to lock recording and keep talking without holding the button. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

COVID 19  Telegram intros New Animated Emojis  Chat Folders  Archives to its users - 24COVID 19  Telegram intros New Animated Emojis  Chat Folders  Archives to its users - 13