The new game will have a single player campaign similar to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare but it is not a sequel to the 2011’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The new game seems to be in the same universe with a slightly different storyline. The big news is the return of some familiar faces in the game. The players who played the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series should know that ‘Captain Price’ who is making a return in the new game. The trailer reveals that the campaign will be divided into two parts – one with a Tier 1 operator of special forces while the other with a rebel fighter in the Middle East. Jacob Minkoff, the single-player design director of Modern Warfare said, “We are telling a story about the modern war in the real world. If we whitewash it, if we backpedal from it, if we show a world where the heroes fight the terrorists and win, you never see the impact on the average person, the collateral damage, or the morally grey situations that soldiers themselves have to face.” What was so special about the 2007’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was its surreal storytelling, the range of emotions, truth, risky and disturbing themes. That’s the reason the 2007 Modern Warfare is still considered one of the best COD games. After which, the makers of COD delved into the elements of science fiction with COD Black Ops 4, COD Advanced Warfare and so on. The new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is an attempt by the game makers to take the franchise back on track.

Talking about the trailer, the game feels much like a remastered version of the old Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. But it is not the same game or the same story. The trailer shows tactical takedowns of terrorists by operatives led by Price. There are elements spread all around the trailer, and some scenes take you back to the old COD: Modern Warfare. Although the game mechanics haven’t been shown yet, the sound design is impressive. We get the scenes from the jungles and middle east. As mentioned above, the game will be divided into two parts and the players will be able to control two characters in the game.

October 25, 2019. — Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) May 30, 2019 The new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare plays on the strings of human emotions. And according to Minkoff, “this Modern Warfare has a much broader variety of emotions that it makes you feel.” We will see much about the game at the E3 which is scheduled next month. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be release on October 25, 2019 and it will be coming to the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Call of Duty  Modern Warfare trailer released  the game will release on October 25 - 95Call of Duty  Modern Warfare trailer released  the game will release on October 25 - 36